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Warming turmeric chicken vegetable soup

Warming turmeric chicken vegetable soup

Long days in the snow need a fiery end! Our recipe for chicken soup with the “miracle root” turmeric and colorful winter vegetables provides energy and tastes simply delicious, especially topped with LAND-LEBEN soup pearls.

Preparation Time: 25 Minutes

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 2 chicken fillets
  • 500 g winter vegetables: cabbage sprouts, carrots and chard {alternatively black salsify, yellow turnip etc.}
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 700 ml of vegetable soup
  • A pinch of salt
  • Some cayenne pepper
  • 5 tsp turmeric {powder}
  • 1 chilli pepper {optional}
  • 50 ml whipped cream
  • 6-8 tbsp LAND-LEBEN soup pearls


Cut the chicken fillets into small, bite-sized pieces. Wash & clean the vegetables. To do this, remove the stem from the cabbage sprouts and cut in half. Peel and slice the carrots. Cut the chard into stripes. Peel the onion and dice very finely.

Heat olive oil in a saucepan and lightly fry the onion cubes. Add the meat and roast while stirring. Add the vegetables and then the soup.

Let the meat and vegetables simmer on medium heat for around fifteen minutes. Then season with salt, pepper and turmeric to taste. Optionally add a chilli pepper. Finally stir in the whipping cream and serve the soup garnished with plenty of LAND-LEBEN soup pearls.


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