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Pumpkin Dumplings on an Autumn Salad

Pumpkin Dumplings on an Autumn Salad

This savory dumplings-salad-combination is perfect for one of those days in autumn when the sun comes out and the temperatures are rising to a greater number once more.

Pumpkin Dumplings on an Autumn Salad

Preparation Time: 40 Minutes
Serves 3 {6 Dumplings}


  • 1 pack of LAND-LEBEN Spelt Bread Cubes
  • 160 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs {Size L}
  • 1 big or 2 small shalotts
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 180 g pumpkin {chopped}
  • 1 tbsp.of oil
  • Salt & pepper
  • Oregano & basil {dried}
  • 2 tbsp. of flour
  • 3 handful of lamb’s lettuce


  • Olive oil & white balsamico vinegar
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Optional: Pumpkin seed oil


Place the bread cubes in a large bowl. Add warm milk and eggs. Peel the shallot(s) and chop finely. Peel the garlic and chop very finely. Peel the pumpkin according to type, then dice very finely.

Heat some oil in a pan. Fry the diced pumpkin, garlic and diced shallots until translucent. Add to the chopped bread. Season to taste with salt, pepper and spices. Add flour and knead well.

Then form dumplings with wet hands. Cook in a steamer at 100% humidity for about 18 to 20 minutes or in a water bath at low heat.

Make a dressing for the lamb’s lettuce with oil & vinegar.

Serve the warm dumplings on the lamb’s lettuce and garnish with pumpkin seeds.

Tip: Serve the salad with pumpkin seed oil.


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